Going to concerts is a lifestyle. Going to concerts in towns where you've never been before and you have no money is rock'n'roll. So this few days were rock'n'roll and of course glam and pop and glitter.

Our way to Vienna wasn't adventures but when we arrived the only thing we knew was that we have our tickets and we have a map to get to the Szene. But it was okay we even found a hostel for ourselves.

The Szene

Great place, bad atmosphere. NOBODY speaks english. Oh, sorry: two girls and the hungarians spoke. :) Then it was easier to talk in hungarian. The only thing the security guide could say was no. But what was his problem? I still don't understand.

The funniest thing is that the 11 hungarians didn't know about each other. Good suprises anyway...

Let the show begin

I can't expect Strify to talk in english when he's in Austria but I did expect from the audiance to understand the lyrics and sing and dance.

The show was fantastic I loved it! The only problem was that it was so short. :( I missed the unplugged part. But the new songs were really really great. Especially Show me your toyz (this is the title, isn't it?). The boys looked so great that I couldn't take my eyes of them even if I wanted to. I loved Strify's Jacko clothes. :) And the best was his voice: it was so much stronger, more emotional and full of... desire maybe that it nearly made me cry while I was smiling. You can feel his energy coming to you through his voice.

Kiro was simply cute. The way only he can be. He's love himself. I can't say anything else.

The other boys were far from me but still they did great and I loved Romeo's Misfits T-shirt (or it was in Graz? i don't remember).

After the show

Why do clubs in Austria close after the show? You know in Hungary you can dance and have party all night long. I missed it. :( I really feeled like having a good party. So we had to get outside and wait. But we were happy to wait. :) I don't know who was that guy from the crew to whom I gave my drawings but he was really nice. I wanted to give you boys in your hands but I wasn't sure I will have the chance. I had but it was over they were in the bus. Hope you found it. Strify you were like a forgiving daddy just instead "okay girlies here are some sweets" you maybe thought "okay girlies here are some autographs. now be happy". But you did this in such an adorable way that I cannot blame you. :)

Kiro you were again just nice and cute and lovely. :) I'll never forget your beautiful smile. Thank you.

When we made my photo with Yu there were a sentence that came up to my mind: "I felt so close but you were far away." Maybe that wasn't true it was just a feeling. Anyway I don't blame him. But he was also cute with his low voice and little smile.

And then we had to go. :(


Our way to Graz is another story and that was adventures. We got soaked and we arrived just in time.


It was a better place with so much better atmosphere and with a hungarian security guide. Thanks God. But there wasn't any problem everybody was nice and helpful.

This concert was even more powerful and great. And oh yeah Show me your toyz... Strify took my sis' handcuffs and he played with them... Oh we liked it. :P So Strify if you maybe read this we agreed that you can use that handcuffs anywhere anytime and with anybody you want. :) And of course for the shows.

And Shin's hair was so great! I love it! Please Shin make your hair like this everyday! It really looks good on you. :)

After the show

We waited and waited and singed hungarian songs but you didn't come. And the only ones who we can make friends weren't from Germany or Austria. They were from Slovenia. And they saved our lives. So THANK YOU very much. I will look for you. We really love you.

And then they came and said hi and smiled and jumped into the bus. But they didn't go anywhere for about half an hour because the bus was too big for that little streets so we had fun watching as they cannot start. But still they could come out for that time. :( But I think this didn't really depend on them. They had to go. Anyway when we saw the tourbus disappearing in the distance i felt that after the rain I still see ourselves crying and already feel lonely and miss them.

And we spent a very nice and cold night in front of the train station. It was about 4 hours. Anyway we had fun watching the videos and photos we made.

Hope you boys will come to Hungary. We will work on it and make the organizers to invite you in our little dirty lovely country.

I realised how much I love my home when nobody in Austria wanted to help us and it didn't matter anymore that it's dirty the only important thing is the people are friendly and helpful.


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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Fidelia 2009.11.14. 23:01:09

Szuper, hogy így belejöttél a dolgokba! Honvágy... Emlékszem, azt mondtad, hogy Neked ilyen nem lesz...
A babák tündériek. Mindegyiket dajkálgatnám külön-külön.
De az ikrekről még mindig nincs fotó...
süti beállítások módosítása